It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark ....'s starting to drizzle, do you have your umbrella?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cannery Changes

There have been some changes at the Mesa Cannery do to the changing economic climate.  They are not being used enough to stay open six days a week, so to help with their efficiency they have consolidated the stake shifts.  Our new shift is on the second Saturday of each month beginning on July 10th.  We have been assigned the 9 am shift. So this is great for our stake, Saturday mornings!! Now we should have no excuses for not better utilizing the the Mesa Cannery!

The cannery is now closed on Monday's.  Friday's are still open for family canning from 8 am to 7 pm but this is by appointment only now.  You can still purchase bulk items anytime on Saturdays. Karleah will be in touch with all the ward canning specialist to help facilitate this change.

Hands On Gardening

Ready to come and get dirty? If so come on over on Saturday, June 19th at 8 am and we are going to play in the dirt.  Paul will be here and we will be setting up my garden beds the Mittlieder way so that everyone can work through the process from the beginning.  Sometimes doing it makes all the difference, if you are like me I learn better doing then reading, so here is your opportunity to see how to start up your garden. Best of all Paul will be here so we can ask him questions as we go.

See ya there - I will be the one handing out the donuts and juice!  :)